3 Channel ECG Machine
Model: Edan SE-3
Edan SE-3 Three channel colour portable ECG with monitor and interpretation.
- Lead: Standard 12 leads
- Acquisition mode: 12 leads simultaneously
- Sensitivity: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, mm/mV
- Input impedance: > 50 MO (10 Hz)
- Filter: EMG Filter 25/35/45 Hz off, DFT Filter 0.05/0.15/0.25/0.35/0.5/0.67 Hz, Low pass filter 150/100/75 Hz, AC Filter on/off
- Recording mode: Auto/Manual/Rhythm/R-R
- Rhythm lead: Any lead selectable
- Safety standard: I EC I/CF
- foldable LCD screen vivid waveform display
- built-in high resolution thermal printer
- built-in rechargeable Li-ion Battery, AC/DC supply
- complete digital filter, avoid baseline drift, AC,EMG interfere
- automatic baseline adjustment
- auto/manual operation selectable
- lead-off detection and alarm
- interpretation tested by CSE/AHA/MIT database
- 12 Lead simultaneous acquisition
- automatic ECG parameters measurements and analysis
- auto, manual, rhythm off work mode
- support barcode scanner to simplify patient information input
- LAN/25232/USB connection to PC
- 12 leads grid printing on normal A4 paper by external printer